Activate self-healing for seniors -

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MAGIE aus der Teetasse ROYAL PLUS mit Grüntee.. – PRANA ENERGIE-THERAPIE®


Discover your spiritual abilities!

This seminar is a specially modified for the elderly portion of the regular
PRANA ENERGIE-THERAPIE® – Graduate education.

Objectives of the seminar:

  • Activation and strengthening of self-healing in themselves and other people in your environment
  • Health care through energetic self-hygiene
  • practice after the seminar
  • Expansion of consciousness and personality development
  • effective use as a complement to conventional medicine
  • Activation of self-healing in animals

The PRANA ENERGY THERAPY ® after passing Hubert Bauer is an effective method of contactless energy, to enable self-healing and to strengthen. This specially developed techniques for energy use are, which will be shown in this seminar.

They learn the tracing, Remove and dissolve the accumulated energy in the system, blocking energies of the affected body parts and organs using power of your mind.
To speed up the regeneration process, you will be shown, how to transfer then fresh life energy "prana" contact to the affected areas.

The PRANA ENERGY THERAPY ®, you can also in agriculture, in horticulture as well as energetic clearing and the subsequent "charging" of objects, Use spaces and objects with fresh prana energy.


Energetic Anatomy
Non-contact measurements of energetic blockages
General and specific cleaning - and Energetisierungsvorgänge by application of Prana – Spiral techniques
Special self-healing techniques with age-related musculoskeletal disorders or. Respiratory system, where Sinnesorgane etc.
Prana – Broadcasting breathing
Energetic self hygiene as health care
Graduates of this seminar have acquired self-healing skills count, when the regular visit of the PRANA ENERGY THERAPY ® – Course is intended. This reduces the tuition fee in these cases or. The Charge of the 2-day basic training in WIFI Upper Austria.

Coach: Hubert Leitenbauer
Google, Spirituelle Reinigung, Haupttrainer & consectetur adipiscing elit, Vestibulum laoreet mi sit amet sem consequat eget ultricies nisi tincidunt



The PRANA ENERGIE-THERAPIE® can be used for acute and chronic physical and mental disorders of all kinds. It contributes to the overall well-being is essential and also in health care is of great importance.
The application of PRANA ENERGIE-THERAPIE® can be accelerated considerably the regeneration process after surgery. In agriculture and horticulture is the PRANA ENERGIE-THERAPIE® applicable. Similarly, spaces and objects can be cleaned energetically, be energized and programmed objects in addition spiritually.

One response on “Activate self-healing for seniors

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